Sunday, August 18, 2013

Honey Chicken

Ramadhan came and went, we celebrated Eid more than a week ago. I am knee deep in packing boxes as we prepare for our move in 2 weeks..frantic!

Sabrina turned 19 yesterday, time flies and they grow up too fast. It was only yesterday I stayed up nights watching the Lion King with her because she couldnt sleep, turned out my mum has been letting her have long afternoon No complains from me, I love spending time with my little munchkin.

Ok back to the recipe now. My kids are my inspiration to cook and here is a dish that for a long time I would not attempt despite it being my kids favourite. Only because I get mine cheap and delicious from a Chinese restaurant in town run by a lovely Malaysian lady, unfortunately they had closed down a year ago.

So I am now without a place to get my Honey Chicken fix, until recently a friend on FB posted a simple "how-to-cook-honey-chicken" simple I thought I might give this a go.

My first attempt was for Iftar, cooking "blind" without the ability to taste or smell...just followed the recipe to a tee. I was quite nervous, I may ruin the dish, but thanks to a tried and tested recipe, it was a personal triumph! Thanks Maizura Ishak, I am forever indebted to you for this smashing recipe and I hope you dont mind me sharing it on my blog, ( I have adapted the recipe with measurements)

So here we go:


250 gm chicken breast, diced (1 inch cube) cleaned and drained
1 cup rice flour
1/2 cup all purpose(plain) flour
salt & white pepper to taste.
1 tbsp ginger paste
Oil for frying

3 tbsp Honey
1 tbsp oyster sauce
Sesame seeds


Marinade chicken in salt & pepper & ginger paste for 20 minutes (you can leave this overnight for a stonger flavour)

Mix the 2 flour with water to form a thick batter ( 1/2 to 3/4 water will do the trick), if batter is too runny, just add more plain flour. Add salt & pepper to this mix as well.

Heat oil in a deep wok until smoky ( I used coconut oil because it has a high heat point, so its the best oil for deep frying). Dip 1 chicken piece in batter and drop slowly into the hot oil, repeat until your enough pieces fit in your wok with oil covering all pieces. You dont want to end up with too many chicken pieces and too little oil.

Turn once and fry until golden brown. Put aside on absorbent paper and start on the glazing.

Add honey and oyster sauce in a clean pan and heat on medium heat until mix becomes bubbly. Add the chicken pieces and take off the heat. Sprinkle sesame seed and serve with rice.

Bismillah and enjoy!